
All the materials about Hong Kong investment immigration in this website are for reference only. Please refer to the website of the Immigration Department of the HKSAR Government regarding the eligibility criteria. The materials do not constitute any offer, solicitation or recommendation of any investment product or service. Although investment may bring about profit opportunities, each type of investment product or service involves potential risks. Due to the fluctuating nature of the markets, the prices of products may rise or fall beyond customers' expectations and customers' investment funds may increase or decrease in value as a result of selling or purchasing investment products. Loss may equal or exceed the amount of the initial investment. Income yields may also fluctuate. Due to market conditions, some investments may not be readily realizable. Before making any investment decision, customers should assess their own financial position, investment objectives and experience, willingness and ability to bear risks and understand the nature and risk of the relevant product. For details of the nature of a particular product and the risk involved, please refer to the relevant offering documents. Customers should seek advice from other independent professionals.

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